Natural Yeast Infection Remedies

March 31, 2009

Natural Yeast Infection Home Remedies

Filed under: Uncategorized — yeastcurez @ 10:57 pm

Yeast infection is the outcome of number of micro organisms in the human body. Both men and women are vulnerable to this type of infection. A yeast infection can occur on any part of the human body. Yeast infections are commonly found in the vagina of woman. Improper hygiene is many a time responsible for the outburst of these infections and foul odors. Yeast infection can really make you uncomfortable and irritable. The stink that it causes can also put you in an embarrassing situation. This is not a very serious problem and simple home remedies are known to work well on such infections.

Usually men do not even know that they do have candidiasis. This because usually they catch the infection from their partners who have Candida Albicans. And even if their partners treat the infection, if the man is not treat it also, they do re-infect both again. So a honest discussion about it is the easy way to solve the problem with natural cures for yeast infections. Even if yeast infection is not only a STI, you still can pass it through each other.

Rectal yeast infection is caused by the same fungi infection that causes vaginal candidiasis. It is more difficult to diagnose yourself than vaginal infection. Only a doctor can tell you for sure if you suffer from candida of the rectum and not other kind of digestive disease.

There is a close relation between anal yeast infection and oral thrush. How our digestive organ starts from the mouth and ends with the rectum this is quite normal to be close related each other.

Of all the yeast infection natural home remedies around, the one that seems to be the most popular is using yogurt with live cultures. It’s great because you can consume it to help treat you from the inside as well as rub it on the yeast infection for instant relief and quick healing. As great as it is, there are a few others that are often overlooked.

Yeast Infection Cures That You May Not Have Considered

Filed under: Uncategorized — yeastcurez @ 10:55 pm

A yeast infection can be scary if not uncomfortable, and no woman should have to put up with it. Unfortunately for many women, medicinal, prescription based yeast infection cures don’t always have winning rates. They either don’t do anything at all or at best relieve the symptoms for a few weeks or months before they come back in full swing. There has been an outside cure which you may not have considered but are having a more impressive across the board return for many women who use it today.

There are many products in the market today that help women with problems regarding yeast infection.

Choosing the best treatment would depend on the individual. Some women prefer other topical products while others choose to take a pill in solving the problem. It would totally be up to the person to decide which one would best suit her.

The choice of natural cures for yeast infections would also depend on how effective the product is for the individual. Not everyone will have the same reaction to specific kinds of treatment. What may be good for one individual may have an adverse effect on another.

One simple solution can also to make a paste out of of elm and a water. This mostly helps with infections that are persistent and which are not responding to regular treatment. Using aloe vera juice which has been chilled in the refrigerator is also another way that can be used to gain relief from a yeast infection. The juice works by being and being applied to the vulva area using a cotton pad.

January 23, 2009

Common Yeast Infection Natural Cures

Filed under: Uncategorized — yeastcurez @ 2:07 am

More and more persons are gravitating towards natural cures. It is now very common for persons to treat their yeast infection at home and get positive results within minutes. This is often a preferred choice rather than regular visits to doctor to be given prescription medications that can take days before you see effect. And besides, the chances of getting unwanted side effects with home remedies are very minimal.

One of the more common natural cures for yeast infections is acidophilus. You can take this in many ways with the more common being in yogurt or via a supplement. This probiotic raises the level of your good bacteria naturally and will help fight off the infection in a very short period of time.

Something you will probably have in your pantry that will be very effective is apple cider. Now before you go rushing to pour this all over you, be careful, it needs to be diluted heavily before being applied.

If you think you are suffering from this infection, you should immediately set up an appointment with your dentist. They are very familiar with this infection and have programs in place for treatment that are based both age and how the disease was contracted. They may also suggest that go see your normal doctor for a antifungal medication.

Two Useful Natural Yeast Infection Cures

Filed under: Uncategorized — yeastcurez @ 1:45 am

Most women feel very uncomfortable to admit that they have a yeast infection. Because of this they try to find a treatment that they can use in the comfort of their homes. Luckily there are several home remedies that can be used to cure a yeast infection.

You see, the main cause of yeast infection is the overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. This fungus occurs naturally in the human body but certain circumstances can cause an overgrowth with causes the problems. Some of the problems include:  painful urination, vaginal discharge, soreness, painful sex and a series of other symptoms.

Here are two natural cures for yeast infections:

Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar should be on the shopping list of every candida yeast sufferer, just make sure you purchase the raw, unfiltered variety. This product will help restore the natural balance of bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract, boosting your immune system and preventing the growth of bad bacteria in the bowel. With a improved internal environment your body will have a greater chance of keeping the yeast infection under control.

Garlic – Garlic is been known for centuries to be an invaluable weapon against any type of yeast infection. If you manage to catch the infection early a peeled whole clove of garlic placed in the vagina over night will oftentimes be enough to stop the infection going any further.

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